2020年8月5日 星期三





1.      高劑量(1000-3000ml/分鐘)的氫氧氣(2H2+O2)長時間持續吸入,對於加速促進各種疾病的緩解都可以達到一定的效果,這在氫醫學界已早有定論。

There is a long-standing conclusion in the field of hydrogen medicine that long duration, high-dose (1000-3000 ml/min) hydrogen and oxygen (2H2+O2) administration can accelerate the alleviation of various diseases.

2.      氫氣對於人體的作用,部分可經由吸入氫氣前後的尿液中酸鹼值(pH)與自由基變化以及3D立體腦波與自律神經活性的變化,來作為評估監測及印證的工具。

The physiological effect of hydrogen can be used as a tool for evaluation, monitoring and validation through changes in the pH value and free radical content of urine before and after hydrogen inhalation, along with changes to 3D EEG and autonomic nerve activity.


一、              細胞內酸鹼值及酸與自由基中毒

Intracellular pH, acid and free radical toxicity


1. 人體細胞內正常的酸鹼值為微鹼性(pH7.2),細胞外動脈血的正常酸鹼值為pH7.35~7.45,而細胞內外的滲透壓皆為281mOsm/L(見下圖)

Normal human intracellular pH is slightly alkaline (pH 7.2), while that of extracellular arterial blood is pH 7.35 ~ 7.45, and the cell exterior and interior osmotic pressure is 281 mOsm/L (see figure below).


AboveDifferences in pH values of intracellular and extracellular fluid substances


2. 細胞內部在新陳代謝的過程中,會產生大量的酸與自由基廢棄物,這些廢棄物如果能及時順利被排放到細胞外的淋巴液或血液中,就可以很快的經由呼吸道或腎臟排出體外。但是酸與自由基一旦無法順利排出,而累積在細胞內,就會對人體細胞組織器官造成較大的傷害,嚴重者則會造成細胞內酸中毒(Intracellar Acidosis),細胞內「酸中毒」與「自由基中毒」宛如同卵雙胞胎,必然會合併發生。而細胞內酸與自由基中毒,則是種種慢性疾病的源頭。

Intracellular metabolic processes generate significant amounts of acid and free radical waste. The timely discharge of these wastes to the extracellular lymphatic fluid or blood allows for them to be quickly removed through the respiratory tract or kidneys. However, acid and free radical accumulation in the cells will cause significant tissue and organ damage. In severe cases, this can lead to intracellular acidosis which, along with free radical poisoning, are analogous to twin eggs which inevitably merge, and are the source of various chronic diseases.


二、              如何鑑定細胞內酸與自由基中毒

Identification of intracellular acidosis and free radical poisoning


1. 細胞外的pH,也相當於動靜脈內的pH,可以經由抽血檢測而得知,但是細胞內的pH則較難以直接測量,只能經由檢測吸入氫氣前後,尿液中的pH變化來間接推論。

Extracellular pH is equivalent to the pH in the arteries and veins, and can be obtained by blood testing. However, intracellular pH levels are considerably more difficult to measure directly, and must instead by detected indirectly by measuring the pH change in urine before and after hydrogen inhalation.

2. 若隨機常規檢測一般人的尿液,發現其酸鹼值的分佈範圍可由pH5pH9不等(見下圖),尿液pH值的高低變化所代表的臨床意義,以往並未受到臨床醫學界的重視,但是如果把尿液pH連同尿液自由基濃度的變化來同時對比判讀,則會發現其具有重要的臨床價值。

Random and routine testing of the urine of healthy subjects shows a pH range from 5 to 9 (see figure below). The clinical significance of the change in urine pH value has not been previously applied in clinical practice. However, the simultaneous comparison and interpretation of change of urine pH and change in urine free radical concentrations can have important clinical value.



AboveRoutine range of urine pH


3. 尿液酸鹼值(pH)的高低,可利用尿液檢測試紙來判斷,至於自由基,也有自由基測試劑。只要把尿原液滴入自由基試劑玻璃瓶中,就可經由其顏色的變化,來判斷尿液中自由基的多寡,紅色越深,表示自由基越多,紅色越淺,表示自由基越少。

Urine test strips are used to measure urine pH, while free radicals are measured using free radical testing agents. Depositing the urine solution into a glass free radical reagent bottle, the free radical volume in the urine can be assessed according to color change, where a darker red color indicates a higher free radical concentration.

4. 總結兩萬多個曾吸入氫氧氣的臨床案例發現,如果尿液的pH偏鹼性,則表示細胞內所堆積的酸性廢棄物及自由基,都未能及時的被排到細胞外,但是如果吸了氫氧氣之後,2H2O2再結合成水(2H2O),也就是內源性水,就可以把細胞內的酸及自由基都沖刷排放到細胞外,再經由腎臟排到膀胱尿液中。

Summarizing more than 20,000 clinical hydrogen and oxygen inhalation cases finds that the pH of urine is slightly alkaline, indicating that acidic waste and free radicals have not been timely discharged but have rather accumulated in the cells. However, if hydrogen and oxygen are absorbed, 2H2 and O2 combine to form water (2H2O) which is endogenous water, allowing for the acid and free radicals to be washed out of the cell and then excreted into the bladder through the kidneys.

5. 案例:一位有二十年乾癬病史的32歲女性患者。其尿液檢測結果如下圖:

Case: a 32-year-old female with a 20-year history of psoriasis. The urine test results are as follows:


AboveTest results for urine pH and free radicals before and after hydrogen and oxygen inhalation treatment for a psoriasis patient



Prior to hydrogen and oxygen inhalation, the pH value of the urine is 8, and the free radical value is 1 (see the sample on the left of the above figure), while the post treatment urine has pH 7 and a free radical reading of 10, indicating that the acidic substances and free radicals have been excreted into the urine.


三、              氫氣吸入對腦波及自律神經活性的影響

Effect of hydrogen inhalation on brain wave and autonomic nerve activity


1.      腦組織受到嚴密的保護,許多大分子量不良物質,都無法穿透血腦障壁(Blood Brain Barrier,BBB)進入腦內,然而氫氣則例外。

The Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) closely protects the brain from large molecule substances, but hydrogen molecules are small enough to pass through the BBB.

2.      氫氣乃是最小的分子,其分子量為2,而氧氣的分子量為32,氫分子被人吸入體內後,由肺泡進入血液內,可迅速穿透BBB到達腦部;氫進入腦細胞,可把腦細胞內的酸性廢棄物及自由基排出腦細胞外,再進入尿液中,讓腦神經細胞內的pH趨向正常方向,自由基亦大量減少。

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule, with a molecular weight of 2, as opposed to 32 for oxygen. After being absorbed by the body, hydrogen molecules enter the blood from the alveoli and quickly penetrate the BBB into the brain. The acidic wastes and free radicals in the brain cells are expelled and excreted through urine, thus normalizing the pH levels of brain neurons and greatly reducing free radical concentrations.

3.      氫氣對腦細胞具有雙向調節(Biphasic Regulation)的作用,它可以使過度放電的腦神經細胞的放電量降低,又可以刺激過低不放電的腦神經細胞放出較多的腦波。

Hydrogen has a biphasic regulation effect on brain cells. It can reduce the discharge of over-discharged neurons, while stimulating under-discharging neurons.

4.      案例:一位罹患憂鬱症的40歲女性患者,吸入氫氧氣一小時後,其腦波(EEG)βαθδ波都同時升高(見下左圖),憂鬱情緒一掃而光,由情緒低落沉默不語變成喋喋不休。

Case: EEG results of a 40-year-old female depression patient experiencing an increase in βαθand δ brain waves before and after one hour of hydrogen and oxygen inhalation (see bottom left), where previous low activity has been replaced by high activity.

After resting at home without further treatment for 17 days, the same patient underwent a second round of hydrogen and oxygen inhalation, and experienced the same change as before (see lower right), indicating the results are highly reproducible.

5.      案例:有一位罹患妥瑞(抽動)症的21歲男性患者,臉上出現無法控制的奇異表情,並不由自主發出怪聲音,吸入一小時的氫氧氣之後,本來異常放電的腦波立即變為正常,奇異表情及怪聲亦同步消失。

Case: A 21-year-old male Tourette’s syndrome patient, exhibiting uncontrollable and involuntary facial and verbal tics. Following one hour of hydrogen and oxygen inhalation, the patient’s abnormal EEG patterns dramatically normalized, and the tics completely subsided.


AboveEEG changes in a Tourette’s patient following one hour of hydrogen and oxygen inhalation.


6.      吸入氫氧氣,可促使自律神經活性趨於正常。

Hydrogen and oxygen inhalation can promote normalization of autonomic nerve activity.
腦細胞經過使用氫氣調節之後,其所釋放出來的異常腦波漸趨正常,也表現在自律神經(交感及副交感)活性的正常化上,因此腦細胞所發出的交感副交感神經訊號,達到自律神經平衡的要件,也就是達到可同調(coherence)à同步(Synchronize)à共振(Entrainment)à和諧(Hormony)à體內平衡(Homeostasis)à有效率(Efficiency)à直感力(Intuition)的境界;自律神經活性(Heart Rate Variability,HRV)若能達到平衡,表現在外的就是身心靈合一,神閒氣定。

Following hydrogen inhalation, abnormal brain wave patterns are gradually normalized, reflected in the normalization of autonomic nerve (sympathetic and parasympathetic) activity. Therefore, the sympathetic and parasympathetic signals sent from the brain reach the autonomic nerve to achieve a state of coherence à synchronization à entrainment à harmony à homeostasis à efficiency à intuition. Balancing heart rate variability (HRV) reflects an integration of the body and mind, and thus calms the mind.

Case: A 40-year-old male suffering from sleep apnea continuously underwent hydrogen and oxygen inhalation (2200 ml/min) for 5 hours each day for 3 consecutive days. HRV changes are reflected in before/after EEG readings. Prior to the first day of hydrogen and oxygen treatment, the SDNN activity, LF sympathy, HF parasympathy, and LF + HF totals were extremely low, and the heartbeat was fast at 116 bpm. By the third day of treatment, the heart rate had fallen significantly to 79 bpm (see figure below) and other parameters had normalized. The patient reported significant improvement to his sleep quality. The patient continued to undergo hydrogen and oxygen inhalation during sleep and adopted ketogenic diet practices, curing his sleep apnea after one year.


AboveHRV performance for sleep apnea patient with hydrogen and oxygen inhalation



How can be prove that both acid and free radicals are temporarily eliminated? Find the golden intersection.

1. 我們會安排患者連續5小時持續的吸入大劑量氫氧氣(2H2+O2),每隔半小時留取尿液樣品做尿液的pH與自由基檢測。

We arranged patients to undergo intensive hydrogen and oxygen (2H2+O2) inhalation continuously for five hours, taking urine samples every half hour for urine pH and free radical measurement.

2. 如下圖,此患者吸氫氣前的尿液酸鹼值原本為pH8(0支檢體),吸入氫氧氣四小時後,酸鹼值變成了pH5(2支檢體),吸入氫氧氣到最後,酸被排光了,變成再也沒有酸可排到尿液中,因此尿液的pH又上升到pH7(5支檢體)

As shown in the figure below, prior to inhalation therapy, the patient’s urine had a pH of 8 (sample 0). After four hours of inhalation therapy, the pH value fell to pH 5 (sample 2). At the end of the three day treatment, the urine acid content had been completely depleted to produce a pH value of 7 (sample 5).

3. 自由基也呈現類似的變化,第01支尿液樣品檢體的自由基檢測結果呈半透明狀,表示尿液中的自由基很少,但是吸入4小時氫氧氣後,尿液(2支檢體)的檢驗結果,就呈現出較深的紅色,表示有比較多的自由基代謝物被排出到尿液中。

Free radical concentrations showed similar changes. The free radical test results for samples 0 and 1 show a translucent color which shifted to a darker red after four hours of inhalation treatment (sample 2), indicating that free radical metabolites were excreted into the urine.


However, sample 5 shows a gradual lightening of the color, indicating that the free radical supply was nearly exhausted. These simultaneous trends for both pH and free radical concentrations converge to a golden intersection where both acid and free radicals are simultaneously discharged.




1. 人體的粒線體可直接利用氫氣(H2)

Human mitochondria can directly utilize hydrogen (H2)

a.       氫能源汽車可直接燃燒氫分子(H2),釋放出其中的能量,並產生了動力及水(氫燃料汽車排放的廢棄物為水)

Hydrogen-based vehicles directly burn hydrogen molecules (H2) to release their energy, thus generating power with water being the only waste product.

b.      人體粒線體的傳統能量來源乃是葡萄糖及酮體(來自脂肪)上的氫原子。

The traditional source of human mitochondria is glucose and ketones (from fat).

c.       氫分子(H2)也能參與克氏循環(Krebs cycle見下圖)中的電子轉移(Electron transport)

Hydrogen (H2) molecules can also participate in the electron transport of the Krebs cycle (see figure below).

上圖:克式循環(Krebs cycle)

AboveKrebs cycle


d.      氫氣(H2)在粒線體之ATP合成酶(ATP Synthase)及細胞色素C氧化酶(Cytochrome oxidase)的協同作用下,產生ATP及合成內源性水(見下圖)

Hydrogen produces ATP and synthesizes endogenous water through the synergy of mitochondrial ATP Synthase and Cytochrome oxidase (see figure below).


AboveHydrogen can promote the production of ATP and H2O

2. 人吸入氫氧氣(2H2+O2)之後,血液中可立即偵測到升高的氫分子濃度,一旦停止吸入氫氧氣,則血液中的氫氣濃度立即下降(見下圖),可見氫氣無法在人體內累積殘留,安全性高。

Hydrogen and oxygen (2H2+O2) inhalation leads to the detection of increased concentrations of hydrogen molecules in the blood. Once inhalation ceases, this hydrogen concentration immediately begins to subside (see figure below). Hydrogen does not leave any accumulated residue in the body, and thus is highly safe.

上圖:人呼吸1%~4% H2氫氣前後血液H2氫氣濃度(umol/L)的變化

AboveChanges in blood H2 hydrogen concentrations (umol/L) before and after inhaling 1%~4% H2


3. 氫氣對於消除人體內的自由基具有高度選擇性。

Hydrogen is highly selective in eliminating free radicals from the body.

a.       活性氧的種類相當多,某些活性氧適量存在時,是對人體有益的,就被稱之為好的活性氧,如一氧化氮(NO)、過氧化氫(H2O2)及超氧陰離子(O2-)等。

There are many types of reactive oxygen species and, when present in appropriate amounts, these can be beneficial to human health. These “good reactive oxygen species” include nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and superoxide anions (O2-).

b.      有些具有氧化活性的物質,如羥自由基(OH)及硝酸跟陰離子(ONOO-)對人體細胞有毒性,則稱之為自由基。

Some substances with oxidative activity, such as hydroxyl radicals (OH), nitric acid and anions (ONOO-) are toxic to human cells, and are called free radicals.

c.       氫氣(H2)有很強的抗氧化作用,但是H2卻對抗氧化的對象有高度選擇性,它只會對抗壞的活性氧,也就是OHONOO-自由基,H2不會破壞上述好的活性氧,如NOH2O2O2-(見下圖)

Hydrogen (H2)has a strong anti-oxidation effect, but has a high degree of selectivity for the target of oxidation. It can only resist bad active oxygen , namely OHand ONOO- radicals and will not destroy the abovementioned good active oxygen types, including NO, H2O2 and O2 (see figure below).


AboveHydrogen (H2) is highly selective in eliminating toxic free radicals


d.      由於氫氣(H2)不會破壞好的活性氧,因此在氧氣(O2)充足的情況下,長期吸入適量的氫氣(H2)是對人體有益無害的。

Because hydrogen does not destroy good active oxygen, long-term inhalation of an appropriate amount of hydrogen is beneficial to the human body, given sufficient amounts of oxygen.

e.       對比之下,大部分的抗氧化食品,則並不具有選擇性,也就是說若長期食用過量的抗氧化食品,有可能會把好的活性氧也破壞掉。

In contrast, most antioxidant foods are not selective. That is to say, excessive long-term consumption of antioxidant foods may destroy good active oxygen.

4. 氫氣可以加速人體達到陰陽平衡。氫為陰,氧為陽,日文把氫氣稱為「水素」。水能滅火,也就是抗發炎,過度氧化會導致人易生病,而氫氣是一種還還原劑,可促使氧化還原反應達到平衡,也就是陰陽平衡(見下圖)

Hydrogen can accelerate the body’s return to balance, where hydrogen and oxygen are respectively the yin and yang. In Japanese, hydrogen is called “suiso” or “water element”. Water effectively extinguishes fire, making it a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Excessive oxidation can cause people to become hill. Hydrogen is a reduction agent, and can promote a redox reaction to restore equilibrium (see figure below).


AboveHydrogen inhalation can promote a m


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